Headed toward the second full year of the Upper Perk Robotics as an organization, we've compiled enough resources, donations, and interest to launch our initial VRC team comprised of five middle school students (four of whom are graduating from our FLL teams). I will coach the team along with Bob Foreman providing software support. We've ordered VEX equipment, tools, safety glasses, other goodies and complied a binder for each team member with a full VEX Inventor's Guide, VRC game rules, and a blank engineering notebook for each student.
Special thanks to the UPR board members who have supported this venture, our parents, and our donors found here: http://www.uprobotics.org/donors.html . If you'd still like to donate, feel free as well still have a wish list of necessary goodies: http://www.uprobotics.org/donate.html . We will do our best to honor the belief you all have shown (and will show) in us with our efforts.
I'm readying for our initial team meeting, set for 6:30 pm on May 11 where the team members will get their binders, learn about VRC and the game, and get a taste of engineering notebooks, professionalism (stealing directly from FRC148), and our important acronyms ERB and LYD ('expected repeatable behavior' and 'love your data').
Watch this space for updates and entries written by all of our team members throughout our spring/summer/fall adventures.